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CSS Gradient Color Picker Tool

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CSS Gradient Color Picker Tool

CSS Gradient Color is a color selector. CSS Gradient Color is a set of rules that are applied to a set of colors in order to achieve a desired color effect. It is used primarily in Web Design and Web Development. CSS Gradient Color takes care of more advanced color picker features.
CSS Gradient Color is a three-dimensional graphic representation of the color space, which is the color space that defines all colors. It is used in computer graphics to describe a color as a color space. The color space is a set of color values that represent the color. This is a visual indication of the color.
CSS gradient is a color gradient, which can be used to produce several different colors by using a set of three different color values and applies it to a specific area of a web page. This property is used to produce a gradient in web pages by setting one color to a particular value using the background property and another color to another value using the color property. The value of the color property is determined by the color value given on the gradient.
CSS Gradient Color is a color that can be used in many different ways. The CSS gradient color specification defines a color gradient that can be used for a wide range of applications. It can be used to create a gradient that plays an important role in the design of websites and web pages.

Gradient CSS

CSS Gradient is a cheerful small website and free tool for creating a gradient backdrop for websites. Aside from being a CSS gradient generator, the site is also jam-packed with vivid gradient material, ranging from technical essays to real-life gradient examples like Stripe and Instagram.
What motivated you to create this?
Gradients were popular in the early days of the web, but they're now so common that you'd be negligent not to include them in your next website, interface, or hair dye job.

In addition, I am a member of a community of makers on a mission to build a better internet one digital project at a time. Cool Backgrounds, another free design tool for creating background wallpaper for websites, blogs, and phones, is one of our most recent project launches.

Shades of Color

What is the foundation behind stunning gradients? Of course, the colors are stunning! Check out our color shades sites for a range of popular hues, whether you're searching for that nice delicate baby blue or bright lime green.


Don't have time to create your own gradients? Looking for a collection of popular gradients to utilise in your projects? Our swatch collection includes a carefully chosen selection of lovely gradients and color combinations that you are free to use anyway you see fit. Each swatch includes the basic code required to install it on your own website.


Our gradient examples page is the ideal place to go if you need some inspiration before getting started on your own. Sometimes all you need is a little push—a source to get your creative juices flowing, and a handful gradient examples might accomplish just that. Browse the examples, which range from Stripe to Scale API, to get the boost you need to start creating new gradients on your own.

What exactly is a gradient?

Gradients are image data type CSS components that display a transition between two or more colors. These transitions are shown as linear or radial. Gradients may be used anyplace an image can be used since they are of the image data type. Gradients are most commonly used in background elements. To put it another way, gradients are a component of an exceedingly popular design style that has grown in popularity over the previous few years. They appear to have always been in the background (no pun intended), however other sources say that the tendency is "reviving." Of course, it's difficult for anything to return if it never went, but we'll put it up to experience.
Gradients allow you, the designer, to experiment with new ways to give your audience with fresh, clean designs. The new color transition allows you to experiment with two-dimensional and supposedly three-dimensional features, transforming your designs from ordinary to remarkable with a few lines of code.

In fact, the nicest part about gradient code is that you can make it as basic or as sophisticated as you like. You may perform the bare minimum and let the browser figure out the rest, or you can take charge and find all the loose ends. You may even go a step farther and experiment with the infinite possibilities of gradients.

Linear Gradients

Transitions in linear gradients take place along a straight line that is determined by an angle or direction. A CSS linear gradient may be as basic or as sophisticated as you like by utilizing the linear-gradient() method. To begin started, you'll simply need two colors at most. You might then add more colors, angles, orientations, and other elements to fully create your gradient.

CODE background-image: linear-gradient(90 degrees, #020024 0%, #090979 35%, #00d4ff 100%);

If you leave the code in its most basic form, the browser will identify the other components for you. This comprises the color-stop locations as well as the direction or angle. You may use these values to build creative gradients with different colors or angled orientations for more personalized design. Playing with color-stop positions may also result in a solid design rather than a typical gradient. The options are limitless!
Linear gradients are unquestionably more prevalent in design and branding strategies than radial gradients. For example, you may have lately seen the prominent music-streaming service, Spotify, and its gradient branding. Linear gradients, which appear to mix seamlessly with other design components, are possibly the simplest method to incorporate this trend into your designs.

Radial Gradients

A CSS radial gradient is just as attractive and exciting as a linear gradient, and it can be done just as effortlessly. Having saying that, the code may appear more difficult to decipher at first. Because of this, some designers may find it easier to begin with a linear gradient.

background-image: radial-gradient(circle, #0000ff 0%, #00d4ff 100%);

Of fact, the code isn't all that difficult to understand. In reality, the most of the code is identical to that of the linear gradient, with only a few tweaks for more radial customization. For example, unlike linear gradients, radial gradients allow you to change the amount of the gradient in lieu of where the direction would typically go. Playing with the different parameters that define these sizes can provide a wide range of effects.
While radial gradients are not as common as linear gradients, you may have encountered them more frequently than you realize. Special CSS approaches might result in designs that are unrecognizable in terms of what a linear or radial gradient should look like. In the end, radial gradients are just as effective and may add a particular touch to your designs.


  • A powerful Photoshop-like user interface
  • CSS output across browsers
  • Gradients in the horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and radial directions
  • Multi-stop gradients that are complex
  • Support for opacity with various opacity stops
  • Color formats include hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, and hsla.
  • With IE9, you may use complete multi-stop gradients.
  • Import an image (convert image gradient to CSS)
  • Import from an existing CSS file
  • Change the gradient's colour, saturation, and luminance.
  • There are over 135 gradient settings.
  • Custom gradient presets may be saved.
  • The output of Sass
  • Preview panel that is adaptable
  • Sending and sharing permalinks with a gradient
  • More to come!


You may use the primary gradient control to:

» Drag the stop marker to adjust the gradient stop location » By double-clicking on the stop marker, you may change the color of the stop. Drag the stop marker up or down to delete a stop » By clicking anywhere between the current stop marks, you may add a new stop.
The 'Stops' tab allows you to fine-tune the color and location of the presently chosen stop.
The 'Examine' tab allows you to rapidly preview the current gradient as a vertical or horizontal gradient, as well as how the Internet Explorer fallback gradient will look in IE.

Finally, the 'CSS' panel always contains the CSS for the current gradient, which you can easily copy and paste into your stylesheet.