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AES GCM Encrypt & Decrypt Tool

Text: Password:
Encrypted Text: Password:

AES GCM Encrypt & Decrypt Tool

The AES GCM Encrypt & Decode online tool is a terrific method to rapidly and simply encrypt and decrypt data. The AES GCM encrypt & decrypt online tool is an excellent approach to safeguard your online data. This web application allows you to quickly and simply encrypt and decrypt files. The AES GCM encrypt & decrypt online tool is simple to use and can be used from any computer with an internet connection. We offer a new online tool for AES-GCM file encryption and decryption, our free AES GCM Encrypt & Decrypt Tool has been launched. AES GCM Encrypt & Decrypt Tool is easy to use and can handle both small and large files.

What is an AES GCM Encrypt & Decrypt?

AES-GCM encrypt-decrypt algorithms are a contemporary encryption technique that is gaining popularity. The AES-GCM cypher is an enhanced version of the AES cryptography. The method uses a 128-bit block size and can handle variable-length messages. AES-GCM is quicker and more secure than the earlier AES cryptography. AES GCM encrypts a block of data using a 128-bit key and then /decrypts it with the same key. This operation is repeated for each data block. AES GCM is a new encrypt-decrypt method used in some modern mobile devices.

Nowadays, data transmission security is critical to preventing data breaches. In electronics, computers, and other communication applications, the Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM) plays a significant role in providing high guarantee of authenticity and data security. This work describes the implementation of AES-GCM utilizing a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and AES-GCM designs that are parallel-pipelined to achieve high throughput and latency. AES-GCM is implemented in FPGA utilizing a 128-bit input data block, an Initialization vector (IV), and Additional Authenticated Data (AAD) to offer high-speed authenticated encryption/decryption. To guarantee strong security, AES-key GCM's length is 256 bits.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States of America introduces the Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois Counter Mode (AES-GCM) (NIST). AES-GCM is appropriate for use in communication or electronic applications [3]. AES-GCM is a block cypher method of operation that delivers fast authenticated encryption while maintaining data integrity. Today's degree of privacy protection is inadequate, allowing data to be readily stolen. The FPGA is suited for AES-GCM implementation since it ensures the bit-secrecy stream's and integrity[4].

AES-GCM has two basic functions: block cypher encryption and field multiplication. The authenticated encryption procedure takes a 128-bit Initialization Vector (IV), Additional Authenticated Data (AAD), secret key, and plaintext as input and outputs a 128-bit ciphertext and authentication tag,T. The AES-GCM algorithm encrypts or decrypts using a cypher key of 128 bits, 192 bits, or 256 bits. The number of rounds performed by AES transformations is determined by the length of the encryption key [6][7][8]. As a result, the number of rounds conducted increases, the time required to create output increases, and the performance of AES-GCM suffers.